out this year's: Golden
Globe Nominations and Awards You
can search their Data Base for past and present Golden Globe Winners |
Not only do they rate each move as to:
Alcohol/ Drugs, Blood/Gore, Disrespectful/ Bad Attitude, Frightening/ Tense Scenes,
Guns/ Weapons, Imitative Behavior, Jump Scenes, Music (Scary/Tense), Music (Inappropriate),
Profanity, Sex/ Nudity, Smoking, Tense Family Scenes, Topics To Talk About, Violence
They go on to describe every one of these scenes in the move. |

USA Today Movie Reviews
which films were on top this weekend
Disney and movies, what more can you say...

Awards See Exclusive photos
and fashion commentary. Review the Annual Academy Award winners, and read or listen
to their backstage interviews as they meet the press. 
Academy Awards through the years. IMDb presents a chart listing the winners
from 1929 to date.
movie has its own webpage which lets you download movie pictures, movie posters
and production notes.  Download
Movies - Classic Movies and B-Movies For FREE!
100 Years... 100 Movies A list of the 100 best American movies From Wikipedia
- The
List | 
Ebert was always pushing the envelope and even collaborated on this site. Find
reviews and a whole lot more here. |